private niche empire

Private Niche Empire

Let an Automated RSS Set You Apart from Your Competitors with your Private Niche Empire service

Automation is important for any marketer, because the more you accomplish on autopilot, the more money you can make.

You should work as hard as possible to automate as much of your business as you can. The more time you can save on simple repetitive things, the more time you’ll have for the more important parts of your business.

Search engines love sites that are updated often with lots of fresh, quality content. The trouble is, updating sites can take a lot of time, especially if you’re not very experienced with things like HTML or PHP.

What makes it a no- brainer is some sort of system that can provide you with unique content on a regular basis. Fresh content will keep the search engine spiders coming back to your site for up-to-date indexing
(translating into more traffic), and they’ll think your site is somewhat of an authority figure for your niche if you feed them fresh content frequently.

Many marketers take the do-it-yourself route to building authority sites, and some outsource the work to freelancers. Not only is time a factor (and a hindrance), cost is too. Your time is valuable, and you can bet a freelancer is going to charge for their time as well.

A good one-stop shop like PrivateNicheEmpire. com will design your site with the necessary graphics, write your content, put it all together for you, and deliver it in a nice little package that’s ready for you to upload to your server.

This concept isn’t unique in itself. There’s one other element that sets a top content provider apart… supplying packages with the ability to help your site automate its updates using superior RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed tactics rarely used by the average marketer.

A typical RSS feed may not be enough to entice the search engine spiders. Make sure you find one that appears to be so highly targeted, it must have been done by hand (even though it wasn’t). These hidden components help your site achieve a higher PageRank in a shorter period of time, funneling more prospects with Private Niche Empire to your offers through organic search results.

How many times have you caught a glimpse of an RSS feed that wasn’t relevant to the page’s main topic at all? That happens because the person who created the feed didn’t know any advanced methods of fine-tuning the feed.

Be sure you use an RSS feed that doesn’t just update your site with fresh content, it also makes your visitors hungry to subscribe to it so they get instant notification every time there’s a new update.

This single tweak to your page optimization is what will set you apart from your competitors and have them scrambling to discover why your site is in higher demand than theirs.

There are other techniques we use that make our RSS feeds completely unique from anything you will find anywhere else.

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